Map: The Great Isle of Gwynnbered

 The Great Isle entombs the fallen god Beladar, where he slumbers under divine and arcane bindings. The land is controlled by a consortium of dwarven and gnomish mining guilds, which pry from the earth rubies and gold, once the scales of the dragon god. More valuable still, and more difficult to extract, are adamant and everfire, Beladar's bone and blood. Everfire in particular is exceptionally dangerous to obtain and transport, but serves as an indispensable fuel for gnomish technomancy. Coffee, tea, and rare spices, which do not flourish elsewhere on Thindul, are grown here too. Trade goods from Gwynnbered are sailed across the treacherous Straights of Nerophet to Brimstock, Periandor's most populous city, and from there make their way through the continent.