Map: Ostregvaza


Ostregvaza is an orcish isolationist ethnostate, which coalesced at the end of the Orcwrath, nearly a thousand years ago. As the orcish rampage lost steam moving westward, and was halted at the borders of Z'Irada Aurautha, numerous orcs settled in the ruined elven cities on the Lakes Gruthanuir and Ilyusarna. They would later move east and resettle the banks of the An'hrunna, while also claiming control of the Orthraine Wood (beyond the southwest of this map), which had been a vast Tumnal preserve during the years of the Sylvan Dominion.

Ostregvazan policy is motivated, and its culture pervaded, by a national dogma that the other peoples of Thindul are bent on subjugating orckind. (While overstated, this national mythology is enabled partially by the genuine oppression of orcs within the Empire of Steel, and other historical events.) Ostregvaza's entire society is oriented toward the defense of the orcish homeland. To this end, they have closed their borders for centuries, meeting both emigrants and intruding outsiders with swift violence.