Map: The Broken Hills

The Broken Hills were once the homeland of the dwarven Hill-Breaker Clan, so named for their reshaping of the landscape to render the rugged region bountiful and prosperous. They were noted especially for their large-scale terrace farming in the Agraenfolde, and for the construction of duerns, protected harbors carved into seaside hills.

Circa 850 SR, tensions escalated between Periandor and Clan Hill-Breaker, as each tried to assert control over the northern Dimweald, eventually leading the Hill-Breakers to invade Periandor. At first successful, they drove Periandor's Andro IV back to his fastness at Angarom. There, he would have been defeated if not for the arrival of allied armies from Brimstock and the Dragon Roost.

The war then turned against Clan Hill-Breaker, and they fought village by village, inch by inch, as they retreated toward their underground capital, Immerdwelm. The grinding combat inflicted terrible losses on the dwarven population and resulted in the total destruction of many settlements. Eventually, when the garrison at Immerdwelm refused to surrender, King Andro ordered his soldiers to tunnel from the sea to the dwarven city, flooding it.

This final act of brutality ended the war. The Broken Hills then passed into Periandor's dominion and were carved up among its most prominent noble families. To this day, there remain numerous dwarven ruins, which are avoided superstitiously by Periandor's human settlers.

Also of note are Othvenotor and Vazed'gar, ruined Draegar cities on the shores of lake Naendur. During the human-led revolt against the ancient Draegar empire, Z'Irada Aurautha, the two cities were blighted by the magic of their Draegar defenders, and their environs remain uninhabitable to this day.