Lore: Demons


Demon” is a broad term for immortal beings from outside of Thindul, whose intentions are hostile toward mortalkind. There can be, of course, ambiguity and disagreement as to what counts as a demon. The Order of Geledron, for instance, identifies dragons as a species of demon, although this classification finds little adoption elsewhere. The Draegar, on the other hand, condemned Geledron's angels as demons but were practically alone in doing so. What follows here is a brief accounting of the major categories of Thindulian demons on which theologians generally agree.


Fallen angels, or Nephrathi, are those who joined Qoth in his rebellion against the gods. “Angel,” as a wider category, denotes immortal beings created as servants by the benevolent pantheon; they take many forms, though the preponderance are winged humanoids of immense stature. The greatest among Qoth's fallen angels are Inverniel, Nostrus, Herumul, and Perdus. These four were Qoth's most estimable generals, and continue to serve him during his divine convalescence within the moon.

Qaroth Tem

Mortal creatures that have been suborned by the Nephrathi are called, in the tongue of the Nephrathi, Qaroth Tem, or Qaroths. Although the Qaroth Tem began their existence as mortals walking upon Thindul, they have gained immortality and been substantially changed by the magic of Qoth and his angels. Some, indeed, have risen in strength to the level of the Nephrathi themselves.


Spirits of Diluvium's primordial waters, the Urnäkki are an extension of the mind and power of Nerophet, parcelled into subservient, sapient entities. Xebynatalur, the chief among them, is thought to be all but a god himself.


Like the Qaroth Tem, many Nyxians began their existence as mortals. Most were once sailors whose souls Nerophet consumed after they drowned at sea. This is not universally the case, however; some Nyxians were immortal beings in their own right, even before they suffered the corrupted touch of Diluvium's waters. Vodoniathan, formerly the starry dragon of Eternis, is one such creature. Thogron the Flame Walker, similarly, was once an angel in service to Geledron. Whatever their origin, Nyxians drift through Diluvium in a dream of Nerophet's peace. If brought into the waking light of the world, however, they are overcome with wrath and transform into expressions of destructive fury.


Elementals are beings formed from only one of the four elemental threads – Stone, air, fire, or water. Most are creations of Ylaru, the malevolent god of beauty. Repulsed by mortalkind, Yalru conceived them to wreak destruction on the material world when they break free of the elemental thread into which they are bound.


It is unknown, given the relative recency of their arrival, whether these lightning serpents are truly immortal. None doubt, however, that the Kal-kanthror are beings of power and malevolence. They were hurled down into the world by Kaglios, ensconced within spheres of iron. Many of these vessels ruptured as they struck the earth, setting loose the Kal-kanthror upon Thindul. Others of these great spheres are slowly rusting in the unknown reaches of the wilderness, to one day release their vicious denizens into civilization.

OshmOsh & Reteyob

These two spirits of the Tumnal Grove are often considered demons by the inhabitants of Thindul. The people of the Grove, however, do not understand them in this way, for each of the six spirits of the Grove are pillars of its essence and existence. Tumno's world inheres in OshmOsh, Reteyob, as well as in the Grove's other greater spirits.

OshmOsh, the crocodile spirit of the outer Grove, is thought of as a demon for swallowing the god Xogoth, who was fed to OshmOsh by Xebynatalur and Vodoniathan. Naming OshmOsh a demon is perhaps unfair, however, for his sole function is to devour those who approach him. The Grove Among Stellar Tides is a very different place from Thindul; the sapient beings who abide there do not die by any means, except when they grow weary of life and walk willingly into the maw of OshmOsh.

The appellation of “demon” may be more suited to Reteyob. A spinner of webs and plots, Reteyob dwells deep beneath the Grove. For unclear reasons, she has long schemed against Thindul and its people; and she is often found behind machinations to unmake that world.